via Light is Consciousness ------- What is our 3d material reality? Anything tangible at all?
Post by @face_of_life_matrix
#sacredgeometry #geometry #geometric #aether #geometrics #geometrical #geometria #geometriasagrada #floweroflife #facematrix #quote #wisdom #spiral #fractal #movement #nature #instaartist #vortex #matter #faceoflifematrix #pattern #vibration #oneness #instadesign #physics #design #spacetime #frequency #energy

via We the aether ------- "Nothing rests, everything moves, everything vibrates. He who understands the Principal of Vibration, has grasped the scepter of Power" ― The Kybalion . The Principal of Vibration: this is the third principal of Hermetic philosophy and manifests on the mental, physical and spiritual planes. We live in a vast ocean of vibrating electric energies that form simple to immeasurably complex designs, permeating our bodies, nature and universe. . Listen/Watch the latest Podcast& please leave a rating on iTunesvisit linkin @wetheaether bio! - Follow @wetheaether Turn Post Notifications on - TAG 2x friends that would appreciate this page! . via Fractal Science
#SacredGeometry #symmetry #patterns #lawofvibration #fractal #nature #science #goldenratio #fibonacci #sacredgeometria #VesicaPiscis #TreeOfLife #MetatronsCube #Vibration #Frequency #Energy #everythingisenergy #5thdimension #natureperfection #thirdeye #vibrations #higherconsciousness #frequencies #higherfrequency #asabovesobelow #natureart #quantumphysics #vibrationalenergy #neurogenesis

Dots moving along different shape paths!
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Superflow Universe #sacredgeometry #vortexmath #vortexgeometry #VortexGeometry369 #369 #quadrivium #light #cymatics #geometry #FlowDynamics #floweroflife #lightisconsciousness #spiral #FibonacciSequence