The Persians, Hindus, Babylonians, and Egyptians had their Trinities. In every instance these represented the threefold form of one Supreme Intelligence. In modern Masonry, the Deity is symbolized by an equilateral triangle, its three sides representing the primary manifestations of the Eternal One who is Himself represented as a tiny flame, called by the Hebrews Yod (י). Jakob Böhme, the Teutonic mystic, calls the Trinity The Three Witnesses, by means of which the Invisible is made known to the visible, tangible universe.
Manly P. Hall
via Wake Up World ------- The biggest ever study involving DMT has discovered evidence that psychedelic 'entity encounters' can have far-reaching, positive, life-changing effects - from an experience that typically lasts less than 30 minutes.
By staff writer Nikki Harper.
via Evolve and Ascend
Empaths are people who are far more sensitive to the energy of other people and the world around them than other people. If you think you might be one, then this is a must read.